How to Deal With Individuals who Target you in their Drama Isobel le Bretoun, A.S. XLI For me, it has been important to consider that drama is an important thing for some people. Making trouble can be all about attention, about gaining support from others or about exercising power. This type of person *needs* an issue, preferably with a target/enemy. It's often not really personal (in the sense that if you weren't convenient they'd quickly find someone else to be horrible to). In my experience, when dealing with such dramatic people when they put you in their spotlight, the best strategy is to quietly leave the stage and watch calmly from the wings. If you can effectively disengage, they often lose interest. Avoid biting when they bait you and simply refuse to take their very personal attacks personally. It may be that the particular individual has their own need for psycho-drama, in which case you probably can't prevent them trying it on, but you don't have to be part of it. Also, provide leadership and help other people around you disengage too. In a calm way simply point out that the conflict isn't productive (always speak respectfully of the dramatic person) and help those around you re-focus their energies on something positive instead. Grossly inappropriate behaviour from anyone should be answered with calm and consistent insistence on courtesy and respect. If an appeal to the values of our society doesn't work, make use of the appropriate grievance proceedures.