The current landed Baronages of Lochac are (in order of invest date):
Historical information on past Baronages and statistics about tenure lengths are also available.
Shaykh ibn Jelal (he/him) and La Baronessa Juliana de Northwood (she/her) of Rowany
(Invested 23 Oct 2022)
THL Baroness Curie Estelle (she/her) and Baroness Odette de la rive () of Innilgard
(Invested 20 Oct 2024)
Baron Dimitrii Borodinskii (he/him) and Baroness Josseline de la Cour (she/her) of River Haven
(Invested 05 Nov 2016)
Baron Donnchadh Baillie () and Baroness Bella Romana Valori (Any) of Aneala
(Invested 03 Nov 2024)
Baron Leif Magnússon (he/him) and Baroness eleanora de la birche (she/her) of Stormhold
(Invested 28 Aug 2021)
Baron David de Darlington (he/him) and Baroness Arabella de Darlington (she/they) of Ynys Fawr
(Invested 07 Mar 2020)
Sir Ysambart Courtin (he/him) and Mistress Joie Tigre d'Argentona (she/her) of Politarchopolis
(Invested 04 Mar 2023)
Baron Angus De Sommerville (he/him) and Baroness Joana de Bairros (she/her) of Southron Gaard
(Invested 21 Jan 2025)
Baron William Montrose (he/him) and Lady Lovet Dangerus (she/her) of St Florian de la Rivière
(Invested 12 Jun 2021)
Baron Domenego Farrante / Svartr Ormsson (he/him) and Baroness Maerwynn aet Maedwe (she/her) of Ildhafn
(Invested 29 Oct 2022)
Lord Gavriil Slotkovich (he/him) and Lady Kolfinna Burlufótr (she/her) of Mordenvale
(Invested 02 Jul 2023)
Baron Jon Dai of the Lane () and Baroness Margie of Glen More () of Kraé Glas
(Invested 12 Sep 2020)
The order of precedence of the Baronies as defined in Kingdom Law is:
Rowany, Innilgard, River Haven, Aneala, Stormhold, Ynys Fawr, Politarchopolis, Southron Gaard, St Florian de la Rivière, Ildhafn, Mordenvale, Kraé Glas.